The Bath provides all the same benefits of the Aqueduct with the added benefit of being half as much Production to build, and it also adds +1 Amenity for the parent city. Rome also has a unique version of the Aqueduct called a Bath. It should also be noted, that the Aqueduct district does not count towards the total district count allowed in a city.

goal of the project is to improve the quality of gasfired boilers on the Danish market. The Aqueduct has no supplementary buildings. ( Reduktion af NOx ved smaa gasfyrede anlaeg ) EM - 1433 / 86-6. This limits the places an Aqueduct can be constructed, so plan ahead. Once this is done, an Aqueduct can only be placed adjacent to the City Center and a source of fresh water (i.e. In order to create an Aqueduct, one must first discover the Engineering technology. In addition, an Aqueduct's base cost is 50 Production. If the city already has fresh water, an Aqueduct instead provides +2 Housing. If a city does not have access to fresh water, then an Aqueduct provides +6 Housing to the parent city. the City Center is adjacent to a river, lake, or oasis). The Aqueduct has differing effects that depend on whether or not a city already has a source of Fresh water (i.e. The Aqueduct is a unique early-game district designed to provide Housing in the form of fresh water to a city.